Four Things I Need During The Holidays
The holiday season can be a butt kicker. I mean Halloween just wrapped up, how many of us had to run to Walmart ON Halloween just to see that all the candy was being moved and replaced with Christmas candy>! Just me? Be honest>! Thank goodness for Walgreens! And we are now sprinting, whether we want to or not towards Thanksgiving, Christmas, and New Year's.
Now don’t get me wrong. I love the holiday season as a mom. I love the twinkle in my kid's eyes I love the holly jolly spirit that surrounds us and I love the snacks, treats, and drinks that come around this time of year! Its FUN! And I love fun!
But enter the working side of my mom's brain. The working side looks like this, setting deadlines for clients so we aren’t working over Thanksgiving and Christmas. Questioning how many days should…oopps I mean can or need to take off? What will the kids be up to? Working weekends to make sure all the tasks are done AND THEN we need to wrap up the year, check the budget, manage any backend tasks that need to be taken care of, cancel any subscriptions that need canceling and then dream and plan for the next year.
When I think of all this I find the desire to do it all THIS WEEK. That's the time. But one thing I have learned is I have time. In the past, I have front-loaded my Mondays with 1 million tasks. But a few weeks ago I realized. I am the boss. I can spread it out!
I know that there are tasks that need to be done every day and that's fine. But for the most part, I set my deadlines and I can move them around. So I have been and let me tell you. FREEDOM has been found!
This is basically your reminder that you are in charge! And if you aren’t FULLY in charge you are still able to make choices that support your daily workload!
So as this holiday season ramps up, I feel like we have been saying this since September! Here are 4 things I cannot live without!
A plan! I need a solid plan. What's going on, where are we going? When are we staying in? What am I making or baking? When can I work out?
Have you seen that meme that's like? I could never be a ride-or-die chick. I have questions, where are we going? Why do I have to die? Will there be snacks? Can we stop if I need to pee?
That fully sums up the need for a plan! Also…where are we parking because that can be an issue!
A Budget! Yall! We have to stop drilling into the Christmas budget. This is coming from SO much experience. Last year we had a loose budget and we blew threw it! It was so irresponsible and we were left to pay it off well into the year. I don't talk a lot about money, debt, and such but It's something I would love to get into. Not today but soon! This year we have a really specific budget. We sold a couple of things and we are using that cash to fun Christmas. It helps that my kids are older and told us what they want specifically and for some items, we just laughed like NO Zoe you are definitely NOT getting a gaming computer in your room! No Titus I will not be buying you ANOTHER PAIR OF AIRPODS! They are getting gifts, we are sticking with the budget and the end!
Scheduled rest. This goes along with the first point but if I know we are going to be busy then I need to schedule rest in. If we don't, I will turn into a grumpy toddler who hasn't taken a nap and is over-tired, moody and a fit is looming. Not fun for anyone to be around. Don't be afraid to schedule rest. A nap can go on the calendar just as easily as a meeting. And if you are anything like me then you might want to schedule a nap or downtime as often as you schedule parties! You know. One for one! Really take some time to think about what rest looks like for you. Is it a walk, with a podcast on? Some veg time with a good show? A nap? A target run. Schedule it. Take care of yourself.
A grateful heart and a way to give back. This season is easy for us to get overwhelmed with the have-to-dos, traditions, traveling, buying, dreaming, and closing up the year. But don’t forget to find ways to be thankful and give back. One of my favorites is the Giving Manger. It's a book and a little manger that sits on the table and as you and your family do kind things for one another and your community you add straw to the manger I'll link an episode about it in the show notes! But it's a visual reminder to give back. To remember what matters and to love others this season.
As the year wraps up it's easy to lose focus. Let's not grow weary in doing good but instead, love people well around us. In our homes and communities!
The last thing I cannot live without this season is YOU! I am so thankful for you and the community we have built this year! I would love to know. What can you NOT LIVE WITHOUT during the holidays!?
Hit reply in the description below and let me know!
I'll be back here next week with one of my favorite ways to be thankful and a prayer of thanks!