Are you good company?!

1 Corinthians 15:33 Do not be deceived: “Bad company corrupts good morals.”

 Are you good company? Are you a good influence?

It’s said that we become like the 5 people we spend the most time with.

When you look at your friends are you thankful you get to be like them? Are you glad that your character will be associated with them?

Is there anything you are worried they may take from you?

My friend Holly has the best outlook. It could be thunder storming and rainy outside and she will call it a blessing it because Texas needs the water. She will remind me that the wild animals and the flowers need watering. I want to be more like her because I see the rain and get mad because I would rather be hanging in the sunshine, even though I probably have ZERO plans of actually being outside.

My best friend Julianna has a great way of not getting offended. She is really good at taking a step back and does such a good job at seeing an offensive situation through un-offendable eyes. She longs to live a life that is not easily angered or offended. I want to be more like her because then I wouldn’t be so frustrated all the time, and I would be able to let go of my past offenses.

I hope my friends see my joy and ability to laugh easily and have fun and want more of that but sometimes I am afraid that they see my negative spin cycle and that’s what will wear off on them. 

I so badly long to be a good influence. I want to be good company! I don’t want to be a friend that corrupts good character or good morals.

You may be asking yourself, “Am I good company?!” Really what I am asking you is this, are you an enjoyable person to be around?  When people are around you do they feel, seen, loved, appreciated or do they feel the opposite? Do they feel worried about the safety of their words? Do they feel alone even in your presence?

So how do we know if we are good or bad company? You can start by asking your friends how they feel in your presence. Ask them what habits or quirks they see in you that they either love or worry about.

You can look back at the last few conversations you've had and think back on how they went. Were you more helpful, negative, prayerful, or just melancholy?

 I want to remind you to, to check-in, what kind of company are you? AND what kind of company are you surrounding yourself with. You may be the best of company but you could also have a negative Nancy in the mix that’s corrupting your time and character. We have to be mindful of both of these situations and do the work to fix it.


The Proverbs 31 Woman


✨Thrill Of Hope